Went to the Eifel, got up early and..
... behold: an EP!C early morning sunrise at the "Urfttalsperre' at the heart of Nationalpark Eifel.
Shot with the Fuji X-T2 and XF16mm 1.4. No filters. 2 exposure blend... Gorgeous..!

Just before sunrise we drove mountainbikes on the road to the dam, and i still had my Cokin ND1000 'big stopper' attached to my lens, so i couldn't resist stopping in this bend an making a long exposure image. X-T2 with 16mm as well. Resulting in this gloomy and gorgeously coloured image.

My dad was actually the one that invited me to visit them during their little holiday in the Eifel,
Thanks dad for having me and getting up early to see the sun come up..! :) Little portret of him.

I arrived in the Eifel the day before in the afternoon, so i could shoot some pictures in the huge forest and surrounding countryside, and catch the sunset.
The first thing i saw when i walked in to a forest to catch a glimpse of the view, was this cross sign. Epic..!
Just before the sun went down, i saw a meadow on top op a hill, and i was hoping on a nice view, so i hiked to the top. Almost stepping in cowpoo, i noticed the meadow was full of cows, which made a nice subject to test my new Samyang 135mm f2 lens on the X-T2.
This baby performs excellent so far, even better than the Samyang 85mm 1.4..! Keeper for sure..!

After shooting the cows i hoped on some nice colours in the sky, and i down a remote road where i was able to shoot the sunset in a WW II setting.
These concrete blocks were put here before and during the war, called 'Westwall' or Siegfriedlinie. They are all over the area, till this day..

Hope u liked this blog...!