How Epic is becoming EPIC..!
It started as a hobby. And my hobby expanded, grew, expanded, grew...
And i am proud to say: Epic Photos is now Officially my Business..! What does this mean..? I can actually deduct some taxes for all the gear i buy..? Yes, that too.
But in general it means that enough people believe in me, and my work, to pay me and trust me with their Epic moments, and that i am accepted as a working professional.
No, it does not mean i will stop expanding my skills, au contraire, i learn daily.
Also from collabs with other photographers, more about that later..!
What have i done so far, and what is to be expected in the near Future..?

So far i only made photos, both for business and pleasure. Which i will keep doing, always.
I am hoping to expand the business side off course, so far i had quite a few satisfied customers, both corporate and private. I mostly did corporate events, website photo's for dj's / artists, i did a few newborn shoots, weddings, and familyshoots.
Not all customers want their pictures showcased, so i have to respect that off course. I will keep expanding my portofolio and customer base as much as i can.
Special note: I have been working a lot too for Astrid Roox, she got too busy with her Phone-Photography workshops and Shoots, Thank you Astrid for supporting my work and believing in me...!

My biggest love in Photography, is, and will be, Nature Photography and landscapes, lately also with my new Panasonic Lumix GF3 full spectrum Infrared Camera, which is fun..! New Gallery for this Artform soon..
Talking about gear: I made a short blog about why i used my Fujifilm X-T2, AND the Sony A7 II. But... After using the Sony side by side with the X-T2 for 2 months, my conclusion was that the Sony is not bad, but not better than the X-T2. Especially in lowlight, i couldn't shoot any useful photos with the a7, the ISO was ugly. I got rid of the Sony, and i am rocking 2 X-T2's now..!
Stay tuned for more EPIC landscapes, i am going to belgium (Ardennes) next week..
There will also be more macro and fine art, and who knows, maybe an expo in the end of 2018..?

Beginning of this year, i have started another new Project, to showcase what is possible with photography in 2d, 3d and 360's. This project i am doing together with Roel de Wit, my biggest photography buddy. He is an amazing photographer, and makes the best 360's.
We decided to join forces and start a project called: ERFGOOD.

We are building a new platform and website surrounding this concept, and basically we are working hard to get amazing content, mostly about historic buildings, which there are a lot of in the region of Venlo.
Our focus is to capture these objects in a full 360 tour, taking u to all the corners, from the basement to the roof. I am personally very much drawn to the places that are not public domain, the backrooms, attics and hidden chambers. Stay tuned for this, coming this fall..!

I wanted to learn video shooting and editing, also because i am starting a weekly vlog, end of this Summer...! To practice my filming skills i am basically shooting as much as i can, and learning how to make timelapses, amazing drone footage, and editing. Hell yeah, in April i got a Dji Mavic Pro, so i am airborn once again..! Also i got a Dji Mobile 2 Gimbal to shoot 4k with my phone.
Right now i am busy shooting a commercial for, and also very recently i did a collab with my friend Patrick Klein Meuleman, a genuine Photoshop and editing wizard, check out his website..! We shot a commercial together for Kasteeltuinen Arcen last week and it looks really great, Great job and congrats Patrick, thanks for your trust and invitation..! Video will be online soon..!
Today i will be shooting PRIMESHOCK @ STEREO SUNDAY..!
So if u have an EPIC moment to be captured, either on photo or video, don't hesitate to contact me..!
Thanks for reading this and visiting my website..!